Public Hearing-Resolution 14-2024-Annexation of the land of Providence at Centreville, LLC.

Thursday, September 5, 2024 - 7:05pm





Sept. 5, 2024 at 7:05   p.m.

The Town Council of Centreville hereby gives notice that it will hold a public hearing on Resolution 14-2024, which proposes to annex into the Town of Centreville a certain parcel owned by Providence at Centreville, LLC, which is adjacent to the municipal boundaries and consisting of a total of 279.586 acres of land, more or less (aka “Providence Farm”).  

The west and north sides of the Providence Farm abuts the Town boundaries.  North of the Providence Farn is the Queen Anne’s County High School, Middle School and Board of Education facilities building. East and south are low density subdivisions and agriculture.  To the west is the Symphony Village active adult community (a medium density residential development), town parkland, the newly constructed YMCA, and County administrative buildings.  The Centreville Comprehensive 2040 (“Plan”) identifies the Providence Farm as “Planned Annexation” and is further designated Growth “Tier II” meaning its development is anticipated under and consistent with the Plan.  The Providence Farm is further identified as part of Growth Area 4 in the Plan Table 2, Map 1 A, and envisioned to be developed as a “Complete Neighborhood” in “Growth Area Plan Map 2.”  

The area proposed to be annexed is more particularly described as:

All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Third Election District, Queen Anne’s County, Maryland, and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning for the same at an Iron Rod found, said Iron Rod found being on the southwest side of the public Road leading from Centreville to Ruthsberg known as Ruthsberg Road (Maryland Route 304) as delineated on a plat titled “Lots 19 & 20 Minor Subdivision Plat on the lands of Peter G. Sheaffer” recorded among the Land Records of Queen Anne’s County Maryland in Plat Book SM 42, Folio 37, said point also being the southeasterly corner of the lands of the County Commissioners of Queen Anne’s County (Liber 1989, Folio 731) said Point of Beginning also being the northeast corner of Tax Parcel 60, Remaining Lands as delineated on said plat, and from said point of beginning and running in the meridian of the Maryland State Coordinate System NAD 83 (2011), and by and with said southwest side of Ruthsberg Road (Maryland Route 304) the following three courses and distances:

(1) South 29 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East, 339.62 feet to a point; thence

(2) by and with the arc of a curve deflecting to the left, which has a radius of 1185.92 feet, for a length of 869.67 feet, the tangent of which is 455.43 feet, the chord of which bears South 50 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East, 850.31 feet to a point, thence

(3) South 71 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East, 457.20 feet to an Iron Rod set and the westerly side of the public road known as Rolling Bridge Road as delineated on a plat of subdivision titled “Final Plat a residential subdivision of part of the lands of Providence Farm” Recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Plat Book SM 30, Folio 96; thence by and with the westerly side of the Rolling Bridge right-of-way the following two courses and distances

(4) by and with the arc of a curve deflecting to the right, which has a radius of 98.67 feet, for a length of 29.48 feet, the tangent of which is 14.85 feet, the chord of which bears South 63 degrees 10 minutes 46 seconds East, 29.37 feet to an Iron Rod set, thence

(5) South 04 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East, 431.20 feet to an Iron Rod set and the northeast corner of Lot 17 as delineated on said plat; thence by and with the northerly side of Lot 17

(6) South 85 degrees 37 minutes 37 seconds West, 326.36 feet to an Iron Rod set and the easterly side of Beck Farm Road (50-foot wide right-of-way); thence by and with the cul-de-sac at the north end of said Beck Farm Road the following two courses and distances

(7) by and with the arc of a curve deflecting to the left, which has a radius of 60.00 feet, for a length of 272.10 feet, the tangent of which is 71.71 feet, the chord of which bears South 45 degrees 42 minutes 33 seconds West, 92.04 feet to an Iron Rod set; thence

(8) by and with the arc of a curve deflecting to the right, which has a radius of 25.00 feet, for a length of 34.83 feet, the tangent of which is 20.92 feet, the chord of which bears South 44 degrees 17 minutes 27 seconds East, 32.08 feet to an Iron Rod set and the westerly side of said Beck Farm Road (50-foot wide right-of-way), thence by and with the westerly side of Beck Farm Road the following two courses and distances

(9) South 04 degrees 22 minutes 23 seconds East, 839.50 feet to an Iron Rod set; thence

(10) by and with the arc of a curve deflecting to the left, which has a radius of 350.00 feet, for a length of 30.64 feet, the tangent of which is 15.33 feet, the chord of which bears South 06 degrees 52 minutes 50 seconds East, 30.63 feet to an Iron Rod found and the northerly side of Lot 6 as shown on said plat, thence by and with the northerly and westerly side of Lot 6 the following two courses and distances

(11) South 85 degrees 37 minutes 37 seconds West, 92.53 feet to an Iron Rod set; thence

(12) South 17 degrees 43 minutes 06 seconds West, 182.22 feet to an Iron Rod found and the northeast corner of Lot 7 as shown on said plat; thence by and with the rear property line of Lot 7

(13) South 24 degrees 28 minutes 47 seconds West, 171.60 feet to an Iron Rod found and the northwest corner of Lot 8 as shown on said plat; thence by and with the rear property line of Lot 8

(14) South 32 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds West, 156.81 feet to an Iron Rod found and the northwest corner of Lot 9 as shown on said plat; thence by and with the rear property line of Lot 9

(15) South 40 degrees 26 minutes 21 seconds West, 379.78 feet to an Iron Rod found and the northwest corner of Lot 11 as shown on said plat; thence by and with the rear property line of Lot 11

(16) South 03 degrees 51 minutes 19 seconds East, 341.36 feet to an Iron Rod found and the northerly side of the public road known as Taylors Mill Road (Variable width right-of-way) as delineated on said plat; thence by and with the northerly side of Taylors Mill Road

(17) South 85 degrees 37 minutes 37 seconds West, 2334.11 feet to an Iron Road set and the lands of Gardner Family LLC (Liber 1192, Folio 105); thence by and with said Gardner Family LLC lands the following course and distance

(18) North 35 degrees 43 minutes 39 seconds West, 333.42 feet to a Stone found and the lands of the Town of Centreville (Liver 1134, Folio 97); thence by and with said Town of Centreville lands the following sixteen courses and distances

(19) North 30 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 231.00 feet to an Iron Rod set; thence

(20) North 34 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 115.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(21) North 45 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 115.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(22) North 79 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 280.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(23) North 72 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 115.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(24) North 83 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 148.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(25) North 44 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 198.00 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(26) North 17 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds East, 231.00 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(27) North 18 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 181.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(28) North 27 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds East, 198.00 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(29) North 27 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 214.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(30) North 61 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds East, 148.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(31) North 24 degrees 41 minutes 33 seconds East, 165.00 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(32) North 13 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 264.00 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(33) North 61 degrees 18 minutes 27 seconds West, 214.50 feet to an Iron Rod found; thence

(34) North 02 degrees 22 minutes 45 seconds West, 1052.46 feet to an Iron Rod found and the lands of the Board of Education for Queen Anne’s County (Liber 4, Folio 490); thence by and with said Board of Education for Queen Anne’s County lands, the lands of the Young Men’s Christian Association of the Chesapeake, Inc. (liber 2487, Folio 243), Vincent Street and the aforementioned lands of the County Commissioners of Queen Anne’s County the following course and distance

(35) North 82 degrees 39 minutes 03 seconds East, 3073.05 feet to the Place of Beginning, containing 279.586 Acres of Land, more or less, and

The above parcel is intended to be all of the same land, as shown as Tax Parcel 60, on a plan entitled “ANNEXATION PLAT on the lands of Providence At Centreville, LLC” prepared by Lane Engineering, LLC. I hereby certify that these documents were prepared by me or under my responsible charge and complies with requirements as set forth in regulation, and that I am a duly licensed property line surveyor under the laws of the State of Maryland, License No. 363, and, subject to biennial renewal, my current expiration date is August 3, 2025

This hearing will be held on:

Thursday, Sept 5, 2024 AT 7:05pm





The purpose of the public hearing is to provide an opportunity for all interested persons to be heard on Resolution 14 -2024. Speakers will be limited to three minutes each.  Notwithstanding the preceding, those individuals speaking on behalf of the Queen Anne’s County Commissioners, the Queen Anne’s County Planning Commission, or the Maryland Department of State Planning shall be heard before those speaking from the general public.

Further description of the applicable conditions and circumstances   concerning the annexation (as well as a survey and full metes and bounds description) are contained in the Annexation Petition, Resolution, Annexation Plan and proposed Annexation Agreement and may be reviewed at Town Hall, 101 Lawyer’s Row, Centreville, MD 21617, Monday – Friday between the hours of 9 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. or on the Town website:  If you do not wish to attend in person, comments related to this Resolution can be emailed to Gaye Adams, Town Clerk, at or mailed to Town Hall, Attn: Gaye Adams, 101 Lawyer’s Row, Centreville, MD 21617. To be read on September 5, 2024, please submit comments by 5:00 p.m. on September 5, 2024. Comments must include a name.

Town Council of Centreville