Lead and Copper Inventory and Survey

Project Type:
Capital Project
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Monday, July 1, 2024

Water Service Line Inventory Information


The Town of Centreville's Public Works Department is working hard to ensure that all the materials in the water system are known, inventoried, and up to modern standards. As there's no lead in the water delivered to your home, lead particles can enter your drinking water as it passes through Lead Service Lines. While monitoring water quality is nothing new, we are asking for the help of the town residents to complete the surveys that will be mailed to your home beginning in August 2024 under the EPA's forthcoming Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, released in December 2020. 

Those revisions require the Town to inventory all the locations of lead, non-lead, galvanized, and unknown water service lines within the Town limits before the October 16, 2024, deadline. We will do this by utilizing our existing asset management knowledge, researching Town and County records, and engaging in public outreach and citizen engagement. 

When a tap is made to a water main, this is the point in time when a water service line is installed. The Town also maintains records of every "re-tap" made to a water main; a re-tap replaces a water service line at the exact location or serves the same lot as the original tap. The Town can show that all new water service lines installed after 1970 and those replaced after 1980 are non-lead. Therefore, before these dates, water service lines installed or replaced are of unknown material type and can potentially be Lead or Galvanized.

Those who receive a survey and do not respond to the Town's efforts will have their water service material types identified as "Unknown."  The EPA requires that all services with "Unknown" material types be mailed a letter every year starting in 2025 that provides a statement about service line material, lead health effects, steps to minimize lead exposure in drinking water, and an opportunity to verify the material of the service line. More information can be obtained by reviewing the supporting documents at the bottom of the page or by calling the Town's Public Works Department at 

Status Updates
  • Council approved a $20.00 bill credit for completion of the LCCR Survey
  • Surveys mailed to residents in August 2024
  • Residents are encouraged to complete surveys upon receipt.