Volunteer Opportunities


Centreville Main Street partners with volunteers to plan and execute events and to complete a variety of projects such as our quarterly advertiser, the Centreville Circular.

Centreville Main Street’s philosophy regarding volunteers is that there is a place for everyone at the table whether you have two hours to spare or 20 hours and whether you can attend meetings or if you prefer to do your volunteer work from home. Ongoing as well as periodic volunteer work is available.

We’re not meeting maniacs!
Sometimes potential volunteers are tentative about volunteering because they are concerned about their work or home responsibilities preventing them attending meetings. We understand that. While meetings are a normal part of the planning cycle for our events, we do not expect everyone to make every meeting.

We’ll meet when the most people can attend and we have meetings to accomplish specific tasks so that we won’t waste your time. Each planning group decides the time of day and day of the week, which works best for them.

Did we mention that you’ll get to work with amazingly, creative people and have a lot of fun? We work hard, but we also have a lot of fun doing it. The only hard and fast rule we have is that we can do a lot of things, but whatever ideas we choose to execute must be executed well.

Ready to join us? Get started by contacting the Main Street Manager or complete the online Volunteer Interest Form.